Mala Care Instructions

How to Care for Your Rosary

Rosaries are very personal items that contain healing energy, represent your intentions, and serve as daily reminders to be more mindful and present. And, because rosaries have sentimental meaning and are designed to be worn for a long time, it is important to care for them to extend their life. Here’s how to care for them:

When you receive your energy item such as a rosary…

Once you receive your rosary, cleanse them immediately (instructions below) and set an intention before wearing them for the first time. This intention can be inspired by the rosary’s gemstone properties or it can be a manifestation of something your soul needs or wants.

How to Cleanse Rosary

Because rosaries absorb your energy and the energy of the people, situations, and environment around you, you may need to cleanse your rosary from time to time, especially after exposure to negative energy or stressful situations, or when you feel like the rosary is no longer emitting positive energy.

To cleanse your rosary, you can:

Let it rest in the sun or moonlight—especially the light of a full moon—for a few hours to naturally recharge.
Surround it with some of your favorite gemstones to channel their holistic energy.
Use a Tibetan singing bowl, which creates cleansing sounds and vibrations.

When Wearing Your Rosary…

Be careful not to expose your rosary to excessive sweat, sunlight, perfume, or other chemicals, and do not wear it while exercising, showering, or swimming. Getting your rosary wet will shorten the life of the knotted cord.
We also recommend that you avoid sleeping with your rosary, exposing it to excessive sunlight, or wearing it in any situation where it could be pulled, snagged, or damaged.
Unless you are wearing a wrapped rosary designed to be worn in multiple ways, avoid wrapping your rosary around your wrist as this will shorten the life of the rosary.
If you have any questions about how to care for your rosary or repair your rosary, please fill out this form and send us a message so we can help you.