Beads Size: 0.28 x 0.16″ (7 x 4mm)
Length: approx. 7.28″ (18.5cm, adjustable)

Beads Bracelet Features

  • Blessed with a Buddhist mantra. Engraved and recited to charge with spiritual energy!
  • Hand braided cotton thread. Intricate patterns sacred to Buddhism!
  • Coconut shell engravings. A constant reminder of the mantra’s virtues!
  • White copper ring. Reinforces the mantra blessing!


The Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra

The Om Mani Padme Hum is one of the most important mantras in Tibet.

When chanted, it creates vibrations that are said to bring you happiness, luck, good fortune, protection, and enlightenment.

Tibetan monks tied this bracelet while chanting the six-syllable mantra. This spiritually charges the bracelet with the positive energy you need to attract good things.


The Meaning of the Six True Words

The Om Mani Padme Hum is also known as the Six True Words mantra. It is said to contain the truth about the nature of suffering, and how you can remove its causes.

Each syllable in this mantra is believed to release you from worldly attachments, ending the causes of your suffering.

ॐ OM – Purifies Pride, Establishing Generosity

म MA – Purifies Jealousy, Establishing Ethics

णि NI – Purifies Desire, Establishing Patience

प PAD – Purifies Ignorance, Establishing Perseverance

द्मे ME – Purifies Greed, Establishing Concentration

हू HUM – Purifies Hatred, Establishing Wisdom


Tibetan Mantra Bracelet for You

If you wish to receive the blessing of the Om Mani Padme Hum, get a Tibetan mantra bracelet now!


Coconut Shell Bracelet Details

  • Item Type: Coconut Shell Bracelet
  • Material: Coconut Shell, Braided Cotton Thread
  • Amulet: White Copper Ring
  • Beads Size: 0.28 x 0.16″ (7 x 4mm)
  • Length: approx. 7.28″ (18.5cm, adjustable)
  • Gender: Unisex
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